Handles (Call Signs)

An overview of how handles in ALO streamline communication and operational efficiency by allowing users to reference roles instead of specific individuals.

In ALO, "handles" serve as a powerful tool for streamlining communication and operations within your organization. These handles act as tags or roles that are assigned on a 1:1 basis to individuals. For example, a handle might be used to identify the current supervisor of a team. This ALO feature ensures that communication remains seamless and effective, regardless of who is filling the role at any given time.

How Handles Work

Handles are designed to simplify the process of identifying and communicating with the right person. Instead of needing to know the specific name of an individual, users can reference their role. When a dispatcher types in the role (e.g., "current supervisor"), the handle automatically pulls up the person assigned to that role. This ensures that the correct individual is contacted, even if their name isn't known.

Benefits of Using Handles

  1. Improved Efficiency: Handles are especially useful in large organizations where team members may not be familiar with everyone. New dispatchers or employees can quickly and accurately reach out to the correct person without needing to know their name.

  2. Ease of Use: Handles reduce the burden of remembering who currently holds specific roles. This is particularly beneficial when roles change frequently or when new employees are brought on board.

  3. Operational Flexibility: By using handles, your organization can adapt to changes in personnel without disrupting workflows. Dispatchers can continue to use the same handle, confident that it will always connect them to the right person.

Using Handles Examples

How to Create and Set Handles

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