Using ALO as a System of Work
This guide explains how to: Create Actions, Manage and Dispatch Actions, and how staff can communicate about Actions and complete them with To Do.
Last updated
This guide explains how to: Create Actions, Manage and Dispatch Actions, and how staff can communicate about Actions and complete them with To Do.
Last updated
Managing work efficiently in busy places like stadiums, arenas, and public facilities is essential. ALO makes this easy by improving guest communication, staff communication, incident management, work order management and video surveillance.
This guide explains how to: Create Actions, Manage and Dispatch Actions, and how staff can communicate about Actions and complete them with To Do.
There are many ways to create Actions in ALO, depending on your use case:
From Home:
Select Type of Action that you would like to create.
Fill out the action form, then hit Send to create an Action. The lifecycle of the Action can be managed from the Action board.
From Channels:
Select the button + ACTION when you would like to create an Action from a channel message.
Using SMS, Voicemail, and QR Codes:
Guests can use SMS, Voicemail, and QR Codes to report issues and make requests. (If you would like ALO to automatically create Actions from guests, contact us to update your account settings! For more info, click here!)
Staff can use SMS, Voicemail, QR codes, and web forms to create Actions in ALO. More more information on how to create a Staff Reporting Channel, click here!
From the Action Board:
Select the + button at the top of the Action Board.
Choose the Action Form that you would like to fill out
Optional: Add the name of the person you would like to assign to the task.
Select the Create Action button.
Manage your Actions in ALO with ease!
Navigate to the Actions Board
Select the name under the Assigned column to change the user assigned to the task.
Select the Status of the Action to change the Action's status.
Staff can also manage Actions! There are two ways that staff can manage their Actions:
From their To Do List:
From Channels:
ALO streamlines the entire workflow process, from creating actions to managing them with the Actions board, and helping staff complete their work using the To Do feature. By using ALO, organizations can work more efficiently, respond faster, and improve overall guest experiences, boost safety, and reduce risk.
Supervisors and Administrators who have access to the Action Board can update, dispatch, and assign Actions to users who have access task Channels.
Select the message icon to comment on the task. This is the preferred method of adding updates to a task because it will an easy-to-track timestamp to each message.
Select the file icon to edit form details, or add more information to the Action.
To Dispatch an Action to another channel, select its Channel name, choose the channel you would like to dispatch to, and then select DISPATCH
From the left-hand menu, click on the To Do menu item.
To update the status of the Action or Dispatch an Action, click on the second-to-last button under each task. You can also change the person assigned in the Action by clicking on the rightmost button.
Similar to the To Do List, you can update the status of the Action or Dispatch an Action, click on the second-to-last button under each task. You can also change the person assigned in the Action by clicking on the rightmost button.