Instantiating Audio Service
AloAudio Instantiation Properties
In order to instantiate the AloAudio object you are required to provide a number of properties. See Class Instantiation Properties.
AloAudio Class
Once you have defined the properties you instantiate as shown:
Connection Events
Once instantiated, and connected to a channel, the user will be connected to the AloAudio Service. There are a number of event fire that are related to this connection:
Event | Description |
onConnectionChange | As the connection to the Audio Service is established events showing the following statuses will be dispatched: AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_ACQUIRING_ACCESS, AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING, AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, AloAudio.STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED, AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_ERROR, AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, AloAudio.CONNECTION_STATUS_RECONNECT_PENDING. |
onDisconnect | Once disconnected, either intentionally or due to an error, the onDisconnect event will be dispatched. |
After you instantiate AloAudio you can add event listeners for the events mentioned above.
Sample Instantiation with Event Listeners:
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