Team Channels


Team channels are typically used for permanent communication, although team channels can be created and removed on demand. In most ways Direct Message channels and Team channels are identical.

Get All Channels

Get information about all team channels.

GET /channels


The maximum number of channels that will be returned in a single request is 100. If there are more than 100 channels you can specify a page parameter great than 1 to get more data. The response will contain information about how many pages of data are available.

Query Parameters

Success Response

A successful response will have an HTTP status of 200

Response Properties

Example response

The sample response below indicates that you have received the second page of results. There are 2 pages available. The current page contains 21 of the total 121 channels.

    "page": 2,
    "per_page": 100,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "response_count": 21,
    "total_count": 121,
    "channels": [

Create Channel

Create a new team channel.

POST /channels

Body Parameters

Example Request Body

    "name" : "Parking Security", 
    "is_tts_enabled": false, 
    "users": [
        {"id": "d4fa7488-7a58-4bd0-956a-9f8c5b0a87f1"}, 
        {"id": "d13535e5-7ebf-4433-9fd1-90f3de9b6e2d"}, 
        {"id": "fdd21692-7d52-46b5-a01c-6d660a247a31"}

Success Response

A successful channel creation response will have an HTTP status of 201 created. The payload of the response is the same as you will see when requesting information about a specific channel.

Error Response

If there was a problem creating the channel you will receive a response that contains status and message properties.

Example error response:

    "status": 422,
    "message": "Validation failed: Name has already been taken"

Get Specified Channel

Get information about a specific team channel

GET /channels/{channel_id}

Path Parameters

Success Response

A successful channel creation response will have an HTTP status of 200

Response Properties

Example Response Body

    "channel": {
        "id": "881cd798-3fc2-4a46-9452-c9321022a34e",
        "name": "Parking Security",        
        "created_at": "2021-05-07T15:58:52.714Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-05-07T15:58:52.714Z",
        "is_tts_enabled": true,
        "is_video_transcript_enabled": true,
        "deleted": false,
        "users": [
                "id": "d13535e5-7ebf-4433-9fd1-90f3de9b6e2d",
                "name": "Charlie Champ"
                "id": "d4fa7488-7a58-4bd0-956a-9f8c5b0a87f1",
                "name": "Victor Green"
                "id": "fdd21692-7d52-46b5-a01c-6d660a247a31",
                "name": "Tyler Lester"

Update Channel

Update a specified team channel.

POST /channels/{channel_id}

Path Parameters

Body Parameters

See Create Channel Body Parameters.

Success Response

A successful channel update response will have an HTTP status of 200. The payload of the response is the same as you will see when requesting information about a specific channel.

Soft Delete Channel

Mark a specified channel as deleted.

After you delete a channel it will not actually be removed from the platform. It will be flagged for deletion and will not appear in the ĀLO app.

DELETE /channels/{channel_id}

Path Parameters

Success Response

A successful channel soft delete will have an HTTP status of 200. The body of the response will also contain information about the channel that was deleted.

Hard Delete Channel

Delete a specified channel.

After you hard delete a channel it WILL BE REMOVED from the platform. The channel and related information will not be recoverable.

DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/hard_delete

Path Parameters

Success Response

A successful channel hard delete will have an HTTP status of 200. The body of the response will also contain information about the channel that was deleted.

Last updated