Creating Apps
Last updated
Last updated
(TODO: this UI doesn't exist yet, provide screenshots when it does)
To create an ALO app go to you team settings page and
Hit the Create New App button.
Provide a name for you app in the form that is presented.
Hit the Create App button.
Once created you will be presented with the setting page for the app you have just created.
In the App Credentials section you will find:
App Name
The name you provided
App Id
ALO internal id for your app. This will be used for request validations
Signing Secret
ALO signs the requests we send you using this secret. Confirm that each request comes from ALO by verifying its unique signature. See the section for more information. You will have the ability to generate a new secret at any time.
You will need this key in order you use the
In other sections of the settings page you will be able to configure Webhooks and Custom Action Forms.