Full Duplex

What is Full Duplex

Full-duplex is a type of communication in which data can flow two ways at the same time. Full duplex devices, therefore, can communicate back and forth simultaneously. Telephones and conference calls are common examples of full-duplex communication.

When you connect to a channel with isFullDuplex set to true the user will be in Full Duplex mode.




This event will let you know when the Full Duplex microphone button is available (meaning you are connected to an audio channel). The possible states are AloAudio.MIC_STATE_AVAILABLE, AloAudio.MIC_STATE_UNAVAILABLE and AloAudio.MIC_STATE_CHANGING_CHANNEL. MIC_STATE_CHANGING_CHANNEL is a sub status MIC_STATE_UNAVAILABLE meaning you are in the process of changing channels.


When calling fullDuplexUnmute() there will be an event stating that your microphone is not muted. When you call fullDuplexMute() the event will indicate that your microphone is muted. See Mute and Unmute Audio for more information.

Example event payloads:

// onMicStateChange
  detail: {

// onMuteChange
  detail: {
    audioType: "FULL_DUPLEX",
    isMuted: true

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